composer and producer of concerts and shows
George - A Memoir

Book Signing
at The Old Bakery, Redgrave, IP 22 1RY,
21st July 2018
at 11.30 am.
Peter Creswell will sign copies
of his book
Refreshments available.
Available now from Peter Creswell
Bookprice £7.50
Illustrations by Sue Heaser First published 2017
56 pages
Typeset in Perpetua typeface by Francis Cupiss Ltd., Diss, Norfolk.
Printed and Bound in the UK by Town & Country Printers, Diss, Norfolk Text © Peter Creswell
Illustration © Sue Heaser
ISBN 978-1-78808-376-8
No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written agreement by the author.
Clip 1
Peter Creswell’s book has 9 short essays describing incidents in the life of his beloved labrador ‘George’ who died in 2013. We read of the time when the quiet atmosphere in church just prior to a funeral service was disturbed by George suddenly barking, and of how as a puppy he chewed up a nativity scene whilst Peter was practising the organ. We read of what happened when George escaped into the night in Sudbury whilst Peter was rehearsing with an orchestra, and of all the efforts George made to find his lady love in a neighbouring Suffolk village. Beautiful illustrations by Sue Heaser are linked to each essay. The book has a pastoral quality which will give pleasure to all who understand the love that exists between a man and his dog.
To order a book or books please contact Peter on
0 13 79 / 89 06 50
Email: petercreswell@electramail.co.uk
Price £7.50