composer and producer of concerts and shows

The dramatic true story
of a 18th century Suffolk village
Book and Lyrics by Sue Heaser
Music by Peter Creswell
Director Sue Heaser
Music Director Peter Creswell
Music produced by Skylark Production
Performed at the Theatre Royal
Bury St Edmunds, July 2003
Judy Fuller Lynn Wilson
Billy Rose Melvyn Barnes
James Fuller George Ball
Rev Richard Cobbold Mike Bradburn
Mary Ann Cobbold Jennifer Hewes
Charles Youngman Browne Graham Sessions
Beth Hammant Laura Cattermole
William Hammant Leslie Dumbell
Emma Hammant Rachel Thomas
Susan Hammant Kathy Mills
Hannah Hammant Eva Mason
Rebecca Bobby Margaret Ferguson
Elizabeth Hammant Kay Scanlan
James Hammant Dick Pell
Paper Boy Francesca Keeley
Head Juror Sam Bawden
Prosecutor Ian Robertson
Judge John Gentle
Philip Collet Kristian Wimshurst
Ted Collins Dick Pell
Matron Kay Scanlan
Lucy Clouting
Ben Fenning
Jessica Flaxmer
Abi Nolloth
Rachel Nolloth
Hannah Smith
Matthew Smith
Katrina Warnes
Juliet Bloye
Pam Ross
Loraine Burr
Hugh Brookfield
Alison Dumbell
John Hewson
Canny Dunthorne
Malcolm Wood
Liz Roberts
Laura Middleweek
Nicola Lodge
Kiera Rudge
Ellie Watson
Lucy Coililt
Geoffrey Barker (leader)
Stephanie Grayling
Sheila Monk
Adrian Kitchen
Maggie Hughes
Patrick Crooke
Tamsin Heaser
Julia Lale
Jane Moore
Chris Lale
Jenny Barker
Robert Bradley
Jane Johnson
Pam Bailey
Maxwell Sainsbury
John Malam
lan Chopping
Jenny Eason
Peter Creswell

Cobbold's Tales (2003)
The following clips are digital transfers from an analogue tape amateur audio-recording made at the last performance in St. Marys Church, Wortham on Saturday October 26th 2002
1. Overture.
2. Bakery Jig.
3. The Vegetable Song. William Hammant
(Leslie Dumbell).
4. The Thrush and the Lark. Mrs Cobbold
(Jennifer Hewes).
5. Education Song. Mrs Bobby and Children.
6. Harvest Drinking Song.
7. Transportation Song. Judge
(Michael Reece).
8. Strike Song (John Gentle).
9. Maybe? Emma & Philip
(Alice Milton & Kristian Wimshurst)
10. Such A Wedding (Jennifer Hewes).
11. Cobbold's Song (Extract).
12. Finale.
Informative links:
The Biography of A Victorian Village;
Richard Cobbold's Account of Wortham, Suffolk 1860
Rev. Richard COBBOLD - Family Tree
Margaret Catchpole by Rev Richard Cobbold, First Edition