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The Oriole Singers and

St Gregory's Orchestra

Conductor: Martin Wyatt

Sunday 25th March 2018


Admission Free, Retiring Collection

61 Aylasham Road, Norwich NR3 2HF

Before Pilate was written in 2011 by Peter Creswell, a Suffolk-based composer. This is the first performance of the work outside the composer’ s instigation.
It is a traditional Oratorio, taking text from». St Luke’s Gospel to narrate Jesus’ last days, with a sympathetic stance towards Pilate.
The music is in the style of Bach and Handel, but the tunes lilt after the fashion of Gilbert & Sullivan and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Thus, The Passion is retold in a lyrical manner which we have thoroughly enjoyed preparing.
The performance starts at 6.30pm and lasts for about an hour.
Refreshments will be served afterwards, and there is a Retiring Collection in aid of City Saints in Action, St Luke's Church and the considerable expenses incurred by The Oriole Singers. Please give generouslyl


Find a brief review here.

The sequel -- The Road to Emmaus - will be performed by this team at St Luke's Church at 6.30pm on Sunday 17"‘ June, and at St Peter Mancroft Church at 1.3Opm on Friday 22'“ June.
Come and enjoy Before Pilate, a major musical event, to which
admission is free.

Poem for Prospero ... Kenneth lan Hytch
Soloist: Charlotte Watson, cello
Symphony in G Minor  ... Peter Creswell

Programme also includes:
Overture: The Italian Girl in Algiers  Rossini
The Erl King  Schubert, orchestrated by Berlioz

Czech Suite  Dvorak
Sunday 29th April 2018, 7.00pm
Tickets £10.00, Concessions £8.00
from The Maddermarket Box Office,

01603 620917
or online from

Also your direct link with a seating plan of the Maddermarket
This concert promises an evening of musical contrasts: a sparkling Overture by Rossini, a tragic tale involving an evil forest spirit, a collection of catchy Czech melodies.
And then ...
The distinguished Norfolk conductor and composer Kenneth lan Hytch directs the first performance of his Poem for Prospero, which was specially written for the solo cellist Charlotte Watson. This short, atmospheric piece is essentially a search for freedom, alluding to Prospero’s words from Act IV of The Tempest by Shakespeare: Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou shalt have the air at freedom Peter Creswell, pianist, organist and prolific composer from Suffolk, wrote his Symphony in G minor while working in Bulawayo during the 1990s. It is a lyrical three-movement work with enchanting melodies and some exciting offbeat rhythms, offering opportunities to each section of the orchestra. The central slow movement, gentle and reflective, is especially poignant.
This is the first performance of the work outside the composer's instigation.
St_Gregory’s Orchestra, founded in 1986 by Martin Wyatt for the now-closed St Gregory's Arts Centre, is one of several flourishing amateur orchestras in Norwich. Our guest leader for this concert is Pat Plumstead.

This year (2018) his oboe quartet "Intermezzo" (3 movements) will have its first performance in Riddlesworth church (St Peter) on July 14th.

"The Midsummer Hare" for Narrator and Orchestra  was performed in Haughley Church on Sunday, September 9th at 6pm.

"When I was Four" (Suite for piano) was be performed in East Harling Church on September 29th, 7.30pm. It also contained a preview of the show "All aboard the R34!"

Programme also includes
Oboe Quartet 
Music from  'Cathedral'

and "The Midsummer Hare"

Flute Rondo, Violin Sonata


Cast included
Mark Saberton (as Captain Scott) (bass),

Selina Hawker (soprano),
Jennifer Hewes (soprano),

Dijnh Kamei (baritone),

Tim Hall

George Ball
Matthew McCombie (piano),

Alex Girdlestone (violin),

Jenny Eason (piano),
Philippa Gordon (flute)

Chorus and small Orchestra

David (Oratorio)

Venue: The Corn Hall (4th May 2019)

Peter Creswell wrote the oratorio David in 2008. It was performed in Redgrave, Bury St Edmunds and in 2014, in St Mary’s Church, Diss with professional singers, supported by the Kingfisher Sinfonietta and the Redgrave Singers. This is the professional film made of that performance.

David is a major classical work on the scale of Elijah or The Creation. It opens with the relationship between the young David and King Saul and leads to the story of the love affair between David and Bathsheba. Peter will introduce the film.

Performance of Sue Heaser

and Peter Creswell's


with Leslie Dumbell (Narrator)
Sunday 12th May 2019, 2.30 pm
Church of St Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

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