composer and producer of concerts and shows

The Midsummer Hare (2013)
The Midsummer Hare – A Musical Fable
Written by Sue Heaser
Music composed by Peter Creswell
Narrated by Mike Breen
Orchestra: Peter Creswell (Piano), Helen Morgan (Clarinet – The Hare), Max Sainsbury (Basson – The Toads), Catherine Johnson (Cello – The Barn Owl),
Nigel Morgan (Flute – The Nightingale),
Cecilia Metgherell (Violin – The Water Vole),
Duncan Young (Double Bass),
Sue Heaser (Percussion)
Synopsis: The musical is set in the Fenlands on the Norfolk and Suffolk border around the sources of the River Waveney and the Little Ouse (the „Belle Eau“ in the fable)
01-Scene 1 - The Game
02-Scene 2 - The Toads
03-Scene 3 - The Ponds
04-Scene 4 - Evening and night
05-Scene 5 - Morning
06-Scene 6 - The River Bank
07-Scene 7 - The Barn Owl
08-Scene 8 - The Chase
09-Scene 9 - The Belle Eau
Recording of the first performance in St Mary's Church, Wortham, Suffolk, Saturday 29th June 2013
Digital recording Jim Purcell and Steve Barrett-White
Editing and CD masterin: Jim Purcell
This live-recording
available via eMail from Peter Creswell
The booklet is available through
Official The Midsummer Hare Website
A live-recording from 2017 is also available